Friday, December 29, 2006

The Beast

Saw Rocky Balboa today. Damn what a good movie. Those types always get me pumped. I didn't know Stalone wrote and directed it. That just makes it all the better. The beast is out.

Oh god, I'm chafing

I finally picked up Marvel: Ultimate Alliance and Project 8 yesterday, and I exchanged the standard edition of Gears of War for the Special Edition. I got fairly far, fairly quickly in M:UA last night. I beat Fing Fang Foom and M.O.D.O.K. and....I have no clue who the fuck they are. Seriously, I've never heard of either of them. I guess not reading many comics may have something to do with it. Maybe. I wish I knew more about the heroes so I could make a decent choice concerning my team members. Meh. I know one thing though: Deadpool is a badass. The man has two swords and two pistols. Damn. I'm going to see the new Rocky movie at some point today with a few people. Should be a knockout. See what I did there? With the play on words? They can't teach that................don't judge me.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Signs of life

Holy mother of god its been awhile since I've updated. Over a month. My life has been fairly routine for the month of my absence. Treatments, showers, gaming, movies, friends, etc. Oh yea, Thanksgiving and Christmas happened somewhere in there too. Thanksgiving was nice, with a good family of friends came for dinner. Afterwards we played Sequence. Not going to bother explaining the rules because I don't really remember them all that well. Christmas was yesterday and overall it was a good day. I got lots of good shit, mostly PC games and DVD's: Heroes V+the expansion, Half Life 2 Holiday 06 Collection, Battlefield 1942, Black and White 2, Splinter Cell: Double Agent(X360), Gears of War(X360), House seasons 1 and 2, The Simpsons seasons 5 and 9, Rescue Me season 2, a bunch of Carlos Mencia DVD's, and some clothes and other random shit. My mom's sister's family came for dinner and we watched the Eagles game. We killed Dallas, 23-7! T.O. looked pretty good, except for the whole, y'know, losing thing. The same family from Thanksgiving is coming tomorrow for dinner and Christmas.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

CNL and such

So Saturday night was the big fundraiser held for me every year for the past 4 years. Meh. I'm not a big fan of it, even though I know its to help me and my parents pay for nursing when we don't have any. It kinda feels like its a party celebrating my disability though. Think about it: if I didn't have MD, the party wouldn't happen. I know, I know. Shut up. There were a few good parts to the evening though, one of which being my best friend coming down from West Point for the weekend(bastard never did get me a beer :P), and the other was two of my friends that I only get to see when we go to beach in the summer also came up for it. Oh, and leaving. That part fucking rocked. We didn't really have time to do much but it was still awesome to see them all. Friday I stopped off at Blockbuster after classes, and rented a couple of games. Might have heard of them. Gears of War and Project 8. Sweeeet. They both rock equally, each in different ways. GoW has AMAZING graphics and Live play. P8 has ragdoll physics, with goals like trying to smash yourself through gates while rolling down a hill and seeing how many bones you can break in a set time. Good shit.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

18 going on 7

Quick warning: this isn't going to be a happy update. I'm 18 years old. People need to realize this fact NOW. I am a legal adult, completely capable of making my own decisions and choices. No longer should I have to go to bed on a night where I don't have to get up the following morning. 10pm was awesome when I was 14,15, even 16. Not anymore. I'm legal in the state of Pennsylvania, yet I can't even decide on my own bedtime? Fuck that. I also don't need my mother telling me that I need to get out and socialize more. Not everyone has a million friends. I'm happy with the amount I have, and I feel I've met my quota for this particular stage in my life. /pissed off rant........Well I feel better now. Haven't updated in awhile, I know. Just been swamped with papers and other shit. Have played a few games though. Splinter Cell: Double Agent is pretty good. I think I've made more progress in the single player for it than in any other Splinter Cell. Cad is having a Ryzom gameday this Saturday, so I'm giving that a go. Now, Least I Could Do is my new webcomic addiction. I've been reading it for awhile, but for some reason, the addiction just now set in. I fucking love this comic. It is one of the best written, best drawn comics I've ever laid eyes on. Sohmer is one funny sunava bitch. Digital Overload is going to be a hell of a different ball game now that I know who the funny lookin bald Canadian is. I ordered all 3 LICD books and I can't wait to get them. I think I'm looking forward to the commentary the most, as I've already read the archives online. Hmm....I think that may be it for today kids. Hope you all got alot of tooth rotting delights last night. Here's a pic of my not-so-scary-looking-but-equally-tooth-impaired-pumpkin-guy (it just seems wrong to not have a super hyphenated phrase in all of my posts. Consider it my Halloween gift.):

Sunday, October 15, 2006

About 8 inches...

Haven't updated in awhile with school and games and lazyness coursing through my very being. This may be a fairly long post. I downloaded a few demos this week to try out and for the most part, they were all good. First up, Battlefield 2142. Never played Battlefield 2 because of rig quality and not being very skilled with a keyboard/mouse combo. I thought it was fairly good, though I can't see justifying $50 for two online game mode, but I may pick it up. Probably not though. Next up: Dark Messiah of Might and Magic. Now THIS game rocks my foot condoms. I love the combat and the interaction with the environment; there are so many different ways to approach a given situation, be it full on assault, stealthy backstab, magic blastery, or just a good ol' kick to the face. Truely open-ended. F.E.A.R Combat is next. I only played a few rounds and didn't get much out of it. I'll give it another go later. Now comes Company of Heroes. This one was really of fun. It's very authentic to the time and is just damn fun. Plus, it has ragdoll physics! The little Nazi's flying in all directions after a well thrown grenade just makes me giddy inside. Finally, Splinter Cell: Double Agent has a demo up on Marketplace. I played a few rounds and liked what was there. They changed it to 3v3 now rather then 2v2 and I think that makes it better. They also upped the gamespeed way high now, making it a bit more frantic. I enjoyed it though. Thumbs up. In other news, I went to a hockey game last night in reading. Helluva game. Tied going in to the third period but sadly the Royals lost 4-3. Least it was only pre-season.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

White noise

Not much is going on right now; hence the no updating. I got Okami in the mail today, and well....meh. I think it will be a great game, but I'm just bitter beacause I can't do it. Physically. My hand can only hit so many buttons by its lonesome, so I think this will be one of those stick-on-the-shelf-until-one-of-my-friends-decide-to-give-it-a-go titles so I can at least watch somebody else play it. Besides, I'm a-hankerin for some Wind Waker for some reason. It's just so fucking huge, and has so much secret shit, I just know I had to miss some of it....and if not, fuck it. I still want to find it all again. It's Zelda....and Link fucking drips! Drips!

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Savagely fun

I downloaded Savage yesterday and bought Savage 2. I'm pretty excited to get into the beta for it, though I don't know when it'll be released. Played a few games last night and today, and I just have one qualm: I wish there was a single-player mode. I prefer games with a story over straight deathmatch-only multiplayer. I'm a big fan of co-op games and party type games ala Fusion Frenzy or Mario Party. Lego Star Wars I and II are also among my faves. Maybe that's why I'm more of a console gamer; more two-player-in-the-same-room games then PC.

Saturday, September 30, 2006

War at dawn

So I downloaded the Dawn of War demo I read about over on Cad, and I gotta say: not bad. One of the better RTS' I've played, based on the demo. Good interface, nifty units, good animation; all good makings of a great RTS in my book. I just may have to buy it....curses! I thought you might like a pic of my ruthless, take no prisoners-except-your-really-hot-girlfriend army:

Friday, September 29, 2006


I went to see the Blue man Group on tuesday night with my cousin, his girl, and my dad. It was pretty much awesome, except for the fact that it was mostly the same as the dvd they released, which my cousin had shown me, which in turn caused me to want to go in the first place. Anyway, it rocked because, well.....they're fucking more needs to be said. In other news: Banjo's Creed /Oculargasm

And so it begins....

This is a blog about my life and the things that accompany it. That part's pretty much a given, but this is where it gets interesting, dear readers(unless you can't read, then you probably have no clue what the fuck I'm saying so, BOOGITYBOOGITYBOO!): I have Muscular Dystrophy. I'm a student at a local community college, I'm a gamer by nature, and I like long walks on the my chair gets stuck and you have to push me, all while I'm laughing :P