Wednesday, November 01, 2006

18 going on 7

Quick warning: this isn't going to be a happy update. I'm 18 years old. People need to realize this fact NOW. I am a legal adult, completely capable of making my own decisions and choices. No longer should I have to go to bed on a night where I don't have to get up the following morning. 10pm was awesome when I was 14,15, even 16. Not anymore. I'm legal in the state of Pennsylvania, yet I can't even decide on my own bedtime? Fuck that. I also don't need my mother telling me that I need to get out and socialize more. Not everyone has a million friends. I'm happy with the amount I have, and I feel I've met my quota for this particular stage in my life. /pissed off rant........Well I feel better now. Haven't updated in awhile, I know. Just been swamped with papers and other shit. Have played a few games though. Splinter Cell: Double Agent is pretty good. I think I've made more progress in the single player for it than in any other Splinter Cell. Cad is having a Ryzom gameday this Saturday, so I'm giving that a go. Now, Least I Could Do is my new webcomic addiction. I've been reading it for awhile, but for some reason, the addiction just now set in. I fucking love this comic. It is one of the best written, best drawn comics I've ever laid eyes on. Sohmer is one funny sunava bitch. Digital Overload is going to be a hell of a different ball game now that I know who the funny lookin bald Canadian is. I ordered all 3 LICD books and I can't wait to get them. I think I'm looking forward to the commentary the most, as I've already read the archives online. Hmm....I think that may be it for today kids. Hope you all got alot of tooth rotting delights last night. Here's a pic of my not-so-scary-looking-but-equally-tooth-impaired-pumpkin-guy (it just seems wrong to not have a super hyphenated phrase in all of my posts. Consider it my Halloween gift.):

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