Sunday, October 15, 2006

About 8 inches...

Haven't updated in awhile with school and games and lazyness coursing through my very being. This may be a fairly long post. I downloaded a few demos this week to try out and for the most part, they were all good. First up, Battlefield 2142. Never played Battlefield 2 because of rig quality and not being very skilled with a keyboard/mouse combo. I thought it was fairly good, though I can't see justifying $50 for two online game mode, but I may pick it up. Probably not though. Next up: Dark Messiah of Might and Magic. Now THIS game rocks my foot condoms. I love the combat and the interaction with the environment; there are so many different ways to approach a given situation, be it full on assault, stealthy backstab, magic blastery, or just a good ol' kick to the face. Truely open-ended. F.E.A.R Combat is next. I only played a few rounds and didn't get much out of it. I'll give it another go later. Now comes Company of Heroes. This one was really of fun. It's very authentic to the time and is just damn fun. Plus, it has ragdoll physics! The little Nazi's flying in all directions after a well thrown grenade just makes me giddy inside. Finally, Splinter Cell: Double Agent has a demo up on Marketplace. I played a few rounds and liked what was there. They changed it to 3v3 now rather then 2v2 and I think that makes it better. They also upped the gamespeed way high now, making it a bit more frantic. I enjoyed it though. Thumbs up. In other news, I went to a hockey game last night in reading. Helluva game. Tied going in to the third period but sadly the Royals lost 4-3. Least it was only pre-season.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

White noise

Not much is going on right now; hence the no updating. I got Okami in the mail today, and well....meh. I think it will be a great game, but I'm just bitter beacause I can't do it. Physically. My hand can only hit so many buttons by its lonesome, so I think this will be one of those stick-on-the-shelf-until-one-of-my-friends-decide-to-give-it-a-go titles so I can at least watch somebody else play it. Besides, I'm a-hankerin for some Wind Waker for some reason. It's just so fucking huge, and has so much secret shit, I just know I had to miss some of it....and if not, fuck it. I still want to find it all again. It's Zelda....and Link fucking drips! Drips!

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Savagely fun

I downloaded Savage yesterday and bought Savage 2. I'm pretty excited to get into the beta for it, though I don't know when it'll be released. Played a few games last night and today, and I just have one qualm: I wish there was a single-player mode. I prefer games with a story over straight deathmatch-only multiplayer. I'm a big fan of co-op games and party type games ala Fusion Frenzy or Mario Party. Lego Star Wars I and II are also among my faves. Maybe that's why I'm more of a console gamer; more two-player-in-the-same-room games then PC.